Side (LPV) ventilation

Side (LPV) systems are suitable for calf barns in mild and temperate climates. The system utilizes negative pressure to bring air into the barn through inlets and removes the air via exhaust fans.

In the system, wall, ceiling, and roof inlets can be used depending on the application, and will supply fresh air into the barn.

Inlets are adjusted to provide an optimal climate for the calves by maintaining the proper temperature, humidity, and air velocity. During warm periods, the inlet opening is increased, which also allows air to enter at a faster rate and causes air circulation at the calf level. During colder periods, the inlet opening is decreased, which allows the fresh outside air to mix with the inside air before reaching the calves.

Side/LPV ventilation by SKOV-SECCO

Benefits of applying SKOV-SECCO's Side/LPV ventilation system:

  • A stable and uniform climate in the barn all year
  • Easy to install
  • Low power consumption
  • Energy-efficient running cost
  • Optimum utilization of incoming air
  • Removal of excess heat and harmful gases

Making Side/LPV ventilation work effectively requires careful design, precise measurement, and high-quality ventilation equipment. SKOV-SECCO has over 24 years of experience in designing ventilation for dairy barns.

Equip your LPV/Side-ventilated barn with:

Interested in applying this ventilation system? Contact us to get more information on how to apply this system in your barns and our expert will get back to you.