SKOV-SECCO offers four different products of climate controllers for dairy barns. The newest addition is the BlueControl, equipped with Temperature Humidity Index (THI) reading and adjustment and heat stress alerts features.
Developed exclusively for dairy, BlueControl is effortlessly compatible with Natural, Side, Tunnel, Combi-Tunnel, and Hybrid ventilation types and is very easy to operate.
DOL 31 is a speed controller for fans with versatile functionality. It can operate in three different modes: automatic master mode, automatic slave mode, and manual control mode.
EDGE Elite is a state-of-the-art climate controller that has a large 15’’ touch screen, easy to use, and modern with all the functions that the dairy farmers need regardless of the environmental conditions.
More than just a regular climate controller - it has more functionalities that make it an all-in-one environment management controller.